
Friday, February 04, 2005

Walmart, US, Japan, China, we

Learning from the experience from Brazil of providing banking services to the poor brings mutual benefit to financial institutions and the poor. Walmart does the same exercise in US to offer the 200 million adults who either don't have a bank account or use few bank services(BusinessWeek 7 Feb 2005) . This not only provide profits for the banking sectors but also build a credit history for the small enterprises for future financing.

The boost of US productivity in the late 90s through walmartization may be the cue to success for US. China also wants to import the style of Walmart in doing business to brainstorm the existing retailing industry inside. (Newsweek 20 Dec 2004) Maybe she learn the experience of US success in extending the productivity through its extensive network and she understand the lessons of Japan walling itself off from outside competitors.

The style of extracting innovation in technology is the success of Walmart. That is to say we need not to be the innovators or high-tech expertise to succeed. Intimating Walmart.


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